Monday, June 22, 2009

:Today's Flowers #45

This beautiful vivid color blooms is quite like a family of cactus if you happen to notice their leaves and one of my office mates told me that indeed the cactus-like leaves is somewhat poisonous. I still haven't researched the veracity of the information I heard but for this time I'll just enjoy looking at these lovely flowers.

Happy start of the week and if you want to start this week with a good one visit more beautiful flowers at Today's Flower => here.


I'm A Brown-Eyed Woman

This is just a quiz and personality test on how to know what your inner eye color is. Just wanted to know so I took the test and here's the result:

Your Inner Eye Color Is Brown

You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men

You are kind and easy to trust. Men open up to you like no one else.

It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate.


Free Online Insurance Quotes

It’s very expensive nowadays to have all you want, business, car and house because it also pays a lot to have them protected from harm. There are a lot of insurance companies who are more than willing to give clients free online insurance quotes and you just have to answer few questions to have your own quotations. Online quotes are of great help as you can compare quotes and determine the most affordable and competitive insurance in town. As auto insurance is my concern I was glad to know that they have variety of auto insurance providers from which I can compare prices.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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