Friday, April 30, 2010

Mommy Moments : Blue

mommy  moments

Ruth at 6 yrs. of age (she's turning 13 soon)
Gen at 4 yrs. old (she's 11 now)

The theme for this week is Blue and so I'm sharing here Ruth and Gen's pics in their preparatory school uniform when they were toddlers/little girls just the right age to match Josh age now. Of course they're all wearing blue.

To see and view other field trip Mommy Moments click the badge!


What Makes Them Happy

I should be sleeping early tonight as we have activity tomorrow. I’ll bring all my 3 kids to baby Iya’s baptism reception and later in the afternoon we’ll try to swim in the clubhouse big pool. If I’ll sleep late I will be forced to use some eye creams that work so I’d better rest now. The day brings so much pressure on me with regards to planning my time.

I was just glad that I was able to accomplish more than a dozen tasks and still had enough time to go shopping with my kids. We shopped for gifts, their slippers, sandals and did some grocering too. The kids were happy that way, few moments with me at the mall is enough to make them happy. And if that’s what makes them happy I should do it more often. I should leave my work and blog once or twice a week to stroll in the mall with them. That’s fine with me.


My 3rd Blog Anniversary

I had my 3rd year blogversary the other day and I couldn't believe that it's been three years now that I've been sharing my life and thoughts online. I remember not signing up to friendster or any kind of online account except email because I was afraid my privacy would be invaded. It was on that late summer afternoon last April 28, 2007 when I begun entering the exciting world of blogging.

My first blog Race Corner is a free-hosted one and still running up to now though not as active as my domain blogs. I kept it the way it was to preserve my memory of how simple blogging was. Now it's more complicated and advanced.I may say also that paid opportunities are much harder to grab and requirements are greater but I still love it, love every task that comes my way which reminds me always that God has provided me a way of working at home to be with my family. I had the courage to leave my regular stable job because I found my best job online. Well it's only a bonus as sharing your thoughts and meeting friends online is also one of the most satisfying hobbies.


Smile and Look Young

We’re living beside the national road and it benefit us to be near the road because we can go anywhere as fast as possible because you just cross the wide road and you can find all commuters’ vehicle passing by. If we’re going to the province we don’t need to cross the streets as we can hail the vehicle from where we stand outside our gate. But there’s a disadvantage also as when the candidates are campaigning you’ll hear the speaker and voices in an overly loud volume. If only I could make them lower their speaker volume I think I’ve already done it.

Anyway I should not think much about it or that can bring me wrinkles. If I stop thinking about it now I wouldn’t be needing prototype 37c which can remedy it. Oh well I should start on smiling more than frowning so I can stay young. So when the next batch of campaigns for their candidates passed by the road I will just see it then return to my post of duty.


:Friday Fill-Ins #174

pink and blue

1. I was busy preparing for our gifts to dear baby Iya for tomorrow's baptism in Antipolo.
2. So tired, sick and sleepy last night and I left my book on top of my PC table, I’ll have to return it to my book shelf . I don't want my books missing on my shelf.
3. Why does it have to be now that my PC is in trouble, I have plenty of tasks to do, I'm just lucky to have another PC that I can use also. Thanks to my sis.
4. Too many schedule of activities that needs to be planned and budgeted was in my thoughts today.
5. One of my father’s favorite sayings was one word is enough for the wise.
6. When you're in high temper, stop, take a deep breath, pray and try to relax –I know that feeling!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to staying up until DH arrives and try to sleep before midnight to be able to be alert, tomorrow my plans include going to Antipolo earlier to help in the arrangement of the reception and entertain early visitors, maybe we can include swimming in the clubhouse as well and Sunday, I want to forget my work and just concentrate on our fellowship service!


Finding Long-Lost Friends

I was glad that I was finding my old friends in school in a fast growing site. Upon finding one former classmate I would find another and became busy looking for my whole group in college. It was worth the time as I found my long lost friends there. The feeling is mutual as my friends said to me because they were also looking for me. Had they known that I’m an active blogger they would have found me even in search engine sites only? Well I have noticed that many of us would be needing diet pills in the future because we’re on the same weight rankings lol! Oh well that’s to be blame on metabolism as it slows burning of excess fats.

At least many of us have the same young look as we just bloomed and got bigger but maintained the young-at heart attitude! We’re not going to be old if we stay like we used to be. Happy people stay younger than those who chose to be so serious. Just my thoughts.


Keep your Face Clean Always

Yesterday was a blessing as it rained heavily during the night wiping off the dusty environment and gave us a cooler temperature for sleeping. It’s been two months of too much high temperature that some people developed acne, skin rashes and allergies. I was even asked by my cousin to look into acneticin review to get the best solution for her son’s acne. Summer heat can really bring that acne unto the young teenagers’ faces but if you know how to take care of your skin you’ll prevent some damages on your face. Maintaining a clean face devoid of any makeup can help to be acne-free so start cleaning your face the proper way to prevent the acne from occurring.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

:TC - Faces - Portrait of Happy Princess

Thursday Challenge
"FACE" (Portrait, Self-Portrait, Happy Faces, Emotions,...)
I'm posting here the cutest and prettiest smile ever! This is our pretty Princess, the daughter of my niece. Just caught up here one of her happy moments while we were having fun of the babies Iya and Princess. She chuckled when she was called beautiful not knowing really the meaning 'coz she's just barely 6 months here! Well she stood up to the compliment said to her and gave her best ever smile! This is really one happy face good shot isn't it!

For more 'faces' themed photos click the title badge.


Better Opportunities

My niece from the province who is also my goddaughter paid us a visit last week because she had an interview in her target job in Makati and she thought it would be best to take the chance to drop by our house. She’s learning about industrial equipment but the job offered to her is in the Accounting Department. I learned that she want the position and can do the job because they have some units in Accounting subject in her Industrial Engineering course. I thought she would be intimidated with the company’s offer but she gladly welcomes it.

I missed her a lot because their family transferred to an island province when she was just in primarily school. His father who is my first cousin decided to go to her wife’s hometown because there are better opportunities for his tailoring skills there. They’ve succeeded and managed to give good education for their kids.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nice Giveaways!

Now that election is just around the corner the candidates are obviously making the most of their time visiting different places and campaigning. My daughter told me that some candidates are giving out fans, color wrist bands, pocket calendars and many pamphlets. I wonder if any of them think about giving out cute custom plastic cups I saw online. I find them real pretty, very useful and collectibles too. Actually I like the coffee mug style and thermal cups. Well these cups will be good for advertising companies and I guess can be a nice giveaway of candidates!


Monday, April 26, 2010

:Today's Flowers#90-White Flower Tree

Click the images to enlarge

Wow it's been two months now since my last entry for Today's Flowers because I've been too busy to stroll outside and take beautiful shots of flowers. I miss the group and the meme so I'm posting here my stock photo last December of a white-flower tree that's been used also as a christmas tree by the owner of the villa we're renting. Here I've posted a more closer look at the first photo and the whole tree at the second shot where you'll see some red and yellow balls hanging on the tree! Such lovely tree and flowers!

Happy Monday! To see more beautiful flowers around the globe click the badge!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Josh Wearing His Necktie

It’s Sunday worship service again tomorrow and I’m looking for DH necktie for tomorrow. I would like to prepare it the night before so I will not rush tomorrow. I’m thinking of buying some bow ties for the little boy and DH for a change in their look on our Sunday fellowship.

Anyway the little boy still has a new neck tie which he used on his graduation day and I found him real cute wearing it. Some lovingly teased him and called him Engineer and Congressman. He just smiled at them. Here’s one picture of him with his tie.


Two Important Things When Working at Home

I’ve been running and about the whole day but only on online works that I have filing up in my dashboard. Now I’ve almost finished them all except for one or two tasks that will expire next week. I must check first about the furnace filters my SIL is asking me. It’s so important to her and she asked me to search online as I’m connected all day on the net.
I have many offline activities this coming week and it’s safer if I finished them all to avoid rushing when due dates are coming. Discipline and time management are really important when you’re working at home because you are your own boss and it’s up to you when you want to schedule your work. You can have it in the morning, afternoon or evening. It really depends on your inspired hours of working and in your busiest time of doing household works.


Needs a One Week Rest from Work

Lately DH is not feeling well because he has some chest pains and he easily tires. He took a leave of absence yesterday to visit and consult our doctor. Big brother referred Dr. Ponce to us and we find him so nice and with fine humor. We showed him the results of DH’s x-ray and told us that it’s well and good. But on continuous consultation he found what’s wrong with DH. He told DH to relax, don’t carry heavy loads, sleep early and eat nutritious foods.
That’s easy to follow except that DH can’t do that with his current work because he carries appliances if his helper can’t and works from 10am up to 9pm and even longer on weekends. So how can he relax with his full inventory? That’s the things we need to solve and the verdict is to have an immediate one-week rest from work. He went to work today to inform his office and he has to find a reliever for his work before he can take his leave. Wish he can start resting on Monday so he’ll be fine and strong again.


One Week Trial Achievement

Wow I’ve finished my first six days of abstaining rice on my lunch and dinner. Of course the results are not noticeable at this time but I feel a lot better than last week. Actually it feels like I’m using the most effective diet pill because I feel light and healthy. Well it’s only one week now since I started it and I’m very positive with the following weeks.
For now I’m not much into getting slim but of being healthy. I’ve been feeling a little weak for the last past weeks and MIL advised me to have cleansing diet. Though I haven’t done the real and strict cleansing diet I’m doing part of it by taking rice on breakfast only and the rest of my meals consist of veggies, fish and fruits. With these foods I combine plenty of water. On Monday I’m going to reduce my rice on breakfast maybe a half cup will do.


Saving for our Franchise

DH and I are thinking of carrying on our plan to have a franchise of some products we’ve chosen for our store. We’re setting things up but we chose not to put up a store this time. We’ll concentrate on deliveries to school and offices so we don’t need to construct a small store building. It wouldn’t take too much of my time plus it’s easier to manage. If the time comes that I’ll be available to manage it while I’m blogging maybe we’ll put up a store. Anyway we’re still planning it and hope to finalize things before the school begins again in June. I’m excited with our plans and ideas and I’m saving up some of my earnings to help DH in financing our franchise.


Friday, April 23, 2010

:Friday Fill-Ins #173

 we go!

1. Where are my notebooks, it would be hard to work without them, they're my reference and records.
2. If wishes were horses I will go for wedding with horse carriages
3. I'd like to see the list of my eldest kid's books so I can compare it with my niece' previous books so I can save buying the same ones. I will be saving some bucks too.
4. When I was a teen, I thought I would be a chemist or journalist but I end up taking Computer Engineering due to job opportunities for people with degree on the course.
5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was Do not do unto others what you don't want to do to you.
6. I'd have a hard time doing without my personal computer and my internet connection running smoothly for my online tasks.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting after a day of traveling far, tomorrow my plans include cooking early so my kids can go to the nearest park where they can have biking before the sun strikes and Sunday, I want to be quiet and just enjoy our fellowship service.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Effects of the Sun

I didn’t go outside the whole day because I have so many household tasks in line for me. I’m so busy for the last few weeks and I wasn’t able to do much work in the house except few cleaning and cooking. I just checked my mails in the morning and browse the prototype 37c review to learn about what it has to offer. I need to get ready with some cream because I’m always out in the sun and I know it’s bad for my skin. Skin easily wrinkles and gets blemishes when exposed to too much sun so I’d better stay out of the harmful rays of the scorching sun. Not for that only as the heat is giving me headache when I’m out. Sometimes I go out forgetting my umbrella and I don’t want to come back for it because I’m always in a hurry.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Limiting Rice on My Meals

I’m on my 3rd day of abstaining rice on my diet during lunch and dinner time. I still have to decide if I’m going to give up my breakfast because I’m a morning person and I can’t start a day without having full breakfast. Many say that breakfast meals are fine because I can lose them all up on my activities the whole day. But I’m working on that yet and for the meantime I’m taking half servings only. My friend talks about this hcg diet she read online but I’m still keeping on my original plan and that’s getting on my healthy meal diet.

Actually I can survive without too much rice as I can eat as much fruits and vegetables during lunch and dinner. I’m taking pineapples before lunch time so I’ll be full enough not to want some other food aside from veggies. On dinner I eat a different vegetable recipe and a slice of papaya and pineapple. On other days I’m taking apples at night. Now I’m taking notes of some other fruits that are good for cleansing bad toxins so when I start on my real cleansing diet I’m ready with my supplies. I hope I can keep up with my plan.


Better Take Care than Be Hospitalized

I went outside to buy snacks for my kids and even if I stayed for nearly 20 minutes only I felt the scorching heat of the sun. It seems to get through my skin and head. It's no wonder that people with hypertension are now very susceptible to sudden attacks. Some of the seniors suffer a shoot of blood pressure when they're exposed to too much heat. My Auntie who has a high BP prevented herself from going out too far from 10 in the morning up to 4 in the afternoon. It's the peak of the heat and after that the temperature cools down a bit. It's always better to take care than to suffer attack of high blood pressure and other heart-related sickness.


Had a Rejuvenating Sleep

I’m so refreshed when I wake up because I had a 7-hour sound sleep and from my sleeping records I don’t have that plenty hours of sleep especially during school days. I’m also not used to taking a nap as I’ve worked for 19 years in different offices and got used to sleeping at night only. Now whenever I feel like taking a nap I would divert my attention to my due tasks and drink cold coffee or munch on sour fruits to prevent my eyes from closing. Well now that I’m feeling well and getting more quality sleep I will not be able to use the best eye cream for dark circles that my Auntie has given me. Maybe I’ll just save it for future use when I need to keep awake until dawn because of numerous assignments.

For now I’m just happy that I’m returning to normal condition and it will be a good sign for my plan of having a cleansing diet next week or the following weeks. I think that I should be in my good health condition when I start eating fruits only because I’m afraid that I can’t survived it if I’m sickly. I’m having this cleansing diet to get rid of bad toxins in my body which in turn can also reduce my big tummy. That’s hitting two birds in one stone!


Got My Connection Back

I was tired from the yesterday’s hopping from my house to my brother just to work on my tasks and submit it on time because my connection failed. I wasn’t satisfied with using prepaid so I decided to work on my brother’s house which made my niece happy because they were alone there for 3 days because big bro has a ministerial travel in the province. She told me that she would love it if I work there also today.

Anyway I arrive home late around 9pm with my kids from my brother’s house and was retiring early to bed when DH tried our internet connection. I was feeling a little frustrated with my Smart broadband because for the past two weeks it’s not working good with router and yesterday it’s down even on direct connection. Well so much for my temper as when he tried it I was glad that it did worked. I really admire his patience on everything especially on me lol!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finding Her Way Around the Mall

My niece told me that she’s going to the mall to refresh as the temperature now is high enough to cook an egg so they say. Instead of resenting the hot weather she went to the mall to buy something and let the summer heat passed by. This is the very same reason that other people frequent mall areas and shopping complex. They can enjoy air conditioned place to stay, can avail of Wifi connection and at the same time do their shopping. The Wifi connection and cool temperature makes an inviting thought to anyone who has the time to relax and enjoy the day. Wish I can do the same.

My friend is a complete opposite of my nephew as she didn’t want to be at the mall when she’s alone. Why? Because she’s finding it hard to find her way out if she can’t find an exit sign. She has a story several years back of going to a mall which was newly renovated. As the ins and outs were changed it took her almost an hour before she found the nearest exit she needs. It was a hard but somewhat funny experience for her and until now we always laugh when we remember it. Well some people also experience this and can relate to my friend’s story but most will not admit it.

It was just lucky that there are entrance and exit signs to help people find their way around complicated malls especially if the signs are readable and attractive enough for people to see. Some signs I saw in the mall are not noticeable enough to some people so it’s best to put signs that will be noticed immediately. This way no one will experience being lost among the crowd on big shopping complex and other big establishments. It will also make us shopping more convenient.


No Internet Connection Since Last Night

I’m having difficulty again with my internet provider as since last night I don’t have connection even if I’m not using the router. For few weeks now I’m having intermittent connection every time I use our router and my connection becomes stable only when I hooked my PC direct to the modem. That’s very inconvenient for us because my kids and sister can’t go online.

Anyway this morning I got worried because even I did some troubleshooting and reconnection I can’t make any connection. Since I don’t want to rent to our neighboring internet café I bought a prepaid kit from Smartbro and I was happy enough to meet my deadline and able to submit my due tasks. I’m just not comfortable with it because it’s slower than my regular broadband though they’re both Smartbro. Wish I can have my regular broadband connection again.


Inherited Flair for Cooking Holiday Recipes

I’m very fond of cooking and I can say that among my hobbies this one proved to be the most active hobby that I do everyday of my life. My parents came from families that are good in cooking. My Mom always tells me stories of her grandparents being invited to cook for special occasions like wedding and big gatherings. Just the same with my father’s side as his father is known to have a special talent in cooking and used to cook for his friends and relatives on weddings and special occasions.

I grew up seeing my school teacher Mom cook various original recipes for their school’s entry in cooking competition for original, most healthy and economical recipes. Most of the times they win using my Mom’s original recipes and she will teach me their winning entries. I was in my teens when I show my flair for cooking but it all started with desserts and Holiday Recipes because I love to help my Mom when I’m on school vacation. During holidays we tried several unique recipes and we’re happy to see the results from the satisfied visitors we have.

Now that my Mom is old I’m the one who primarily manage the kitchen and I was contented to have my Mom’s golden advices and tips in cooking. She taught me a lot in cooking and when they praise me for my delicious recipes I can only tell them that it’s from my Mom’s tips. Aside from that I also read books and from what I learned from the books I enhanced a bit to give my recipe a special touch. I’m planning to enroll in a baking class so I can be good not only on regular recipes but also on baked goodies just like my Mom who used to bake our birthday cakes. I thank God that I will be able to do this all because He has given me an opportunity to earn income at home. I just love being a work-at-home Mom.


Friday, April 16, 2010

:Friday Fill-Ins #172

Friday Fill-Ins

And…here we go!

1. I’d like to spend some vacation days in the province so my kids would experience a taste of life there-playing and swimming in the river, getting fruits fresh from the tree and enjoy the day even without television and internet.
2. One of my most favorite romantic memories is when DH and I went to Christian Beach Resort in Sariaya, Quezon on our honeymoon.
3. Last night, I had Pork Soup with Vegetables for dinner and plenty of fruits for dessert.
4. Sorry for the delayed response in Facebook invitation.
5. Can we just rest for this day and think only of cooking up something special now?
6. One of my worst temptations is giving in to my cravings of chocolates, premium cakes, salad and ice cream; they're very hard to resist!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing up my grabbed online tasks because tomorrow my plans include cooking up special meal and our one week supply of dessert and Sunday, I want to prepare a yummy food for Sunday School!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

:WW- Ruth's Graduation

My eldest kid is now moving up to secondary school and I'm posting her graduation pics here! She graduated from primary school last April 5 after the holy week and I had a very busy schedule so I'm just posting it now. Just look at our picture together, looks like another year or so and she'll be taller than me. She really grow up fast and I just wish that even if she looks like a young lady now she's still my Baby Ruth. I'm going to enroll her in a Christian School and I hope that she'll be more guided there and I asked her to be more focused in her studies now. She didn't get an honor but she has high grades on all her subjects. God Bless and guide her on her next endeavor.

Forgive me for being wordful again, I forgot it's for wordless wednesday. Click the badge for more entries!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Best Job I’ve Ever Had

Because of the successive graduation and recognition ceremonies for all our three kids we have tons of pictures ready for color printing now and I’m trying to sort out almost duplicate pictures to save funds. I’m happy that all school activities were finished and I was able to get their clearances and class cards yesterday. I’m completing all requirements of my eldest and youngest kid for their entrance in primary and secondary school. I’ve just completed them all and secured NSO certificates so I’m just waiting for our salaries to enroll our eldest earlier so I can concentrate on the other two.

Online job is a good source of income but it’s not a stable one unlike the pay you have when you’re employed so you have to practice wise planning and budgeting. If you have a good income these days you have to save money for the times when work is not overflowing. But I must say being a work-at-home Mom is the best job I’ve ever had.


Monday, April 12, 2010

:BM/RT: Gen's Recognition Day

I'm posting here my dear daughter's recognition ceremony. Gen has been so focused and devoted on her goals of returning to the top five of her class having lost it last year and been included only in the top ten of the class. She's a consistent honor since her preparatory school and last year's failure to be at the top five didn't put her down but instead gave her inspiration to study and persevere more.

On the last week of March all her efforts has been rewarded because she got the 4th place in her grade 5 section 1 class of more than 50 students. I'm proud of her not being on the top five but of her dedication and positive attitude that she can make it again to come back in her former place. I'm very happy and proud of her. God helped her achieve her goals.

Sharing her photos here:


Friday, April 9, 2010

Holiday Snacking

It’s a holiday today celebrating our country’s National Heroes Day in remembrance to the great heroes that fought for the country’s liberty and freedom. For the working employees and laborers it means a day off from a week’s work and for those who worked on this day it’s a double wage compensation because it’s a red letter day on the calendar or commonly called national regular holiday. I really can’t forget completely my human resource work experience in the office as I keep on remembering the dates and rules on wages just like remembering easy life insurance quotes I have to find for my cousin.

Anyway my sis had a day off and we treated the whole household to a home-made halo halo (a combination of sweet desserts with crushed ice and milk) with all the yummy ingredients we grouped together. We had some hard time in making crushed ice but managed to do it well in the end. We invited some nieces in the compound and we had a real yummy snack with tortillos and breads. It’s all fun for the kids while they’re having online games in both PC’s. We don’t let them play all day; we managed to discipline them in a time-scheduled game schedule in order not to make them addicted to it. Forgot to take pictures of our yummy halo-halo. It’s all gone in a flash.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

:TC - Small Animals - Birds

for fun and learning

"SMALL ANIMALS" (Pets, Insects, Birds,...)

I took the shot of these small birds at my son's school while waiting for him to finish his special examinations. He had been sick for three days in time for their periodical exams so I was given a schedule for him to take the special exams. I brought my digicam to spend my waiting hours outside the room and got interested in the birds flying in and out the schooll's perimeter. I took the first shot near the bench I'm sitting on. Cute little birds and we call it 'Maya'. We also have plenty of them here in our backyard because we have many fruit trees here. View my other entry here!

For more 'small animals' themed photos click the title badge


Monday, April 5, 2010

Friends Are Like Walls...

Myspace Friendship Graphics Quotes

Friends are always there for us to share our happiness and griefs, our ups and downs, our success and failures and many things that happen in our lives. During the saddest moments of our lives God is our refuge and He uses our friends for us to cry on their shoulders. They're like walls that we can lean on and just knowing they're there for us to accompany and hear our problems is a great relief and help. Friends are important people in our lives and we should thank God for giving them to us. Such blessings!


Safe Investments

With the current inflation going on people are thinking about the best investment that can give them better profit. Some people invest in house and lot, jewelries, stocks and other known investments that used to yield more profit but these days economic crisis affect these things. I’ve known a friend who turned to a different kind of investment and started to buy gold bars because he figured that this precious metal appreciate value and more likely to give better profit returns in the coming years.

It’s better to invest on safer grounds than risk your hard-earned money on unstable goods. With precious metals like gold you can invest on gold bullion and gold coins to ensure that your money is placed on safe investments.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Top Droppers for March 2010

Just came back from three-day rest from blogging and from summer camp fellowship meeting in Indang, Cavite. I want to thank my daily visitors and droppers here in my site even if sometimes I can't reciprocate your visits due to intermittent connection and busy schedule.

Dropper # of drops 30
moms..... check nyo 29
Life's sweets and spices 28
The Modern Mom 28
Mommy's Little Corner 28
A Simple Life 28
Yummy-as-can-be 28
Wirez and Circuitz 26
Jean sQuared 26
Fledgling Blogger 23

Thanks to my friend Liz for making it to the top ten with 6 of her blogs! Appreciate your visits!


Some Nice Good Books

My cousin always visits me and Mom on her free time and because she saw that I’m fond of reading books in between doing my online and offline tasks she went to her friend. The friend who has a nice collection of good books to read lends some nice ones for me to borrow. I was surprised and glad when I saw the books and it’s nice to note down that books are about work attitude, inspirational, friendship and family. I really enjoy reading but sometimes I don’t have the privilege and luxury of time. Maybe this summer vacation will give me ample time to do some of my hobbies.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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