Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Prevent Sickness from Entering Your Home

I was so happy staying in the house now; I wasn’t able to come to work due to some important matters to attend to. As I’m waiting for someone here in the house I just consumed my time doing all my due assignments online so that my day wouldn’t be empty. I’m glad that Josh is with me as I’m writing as my mind will never run out of ideas. Josh is always asking some questions about almost anything that he can think of and that inspires me to write as he has plenty of ideas to help me. He’s a very active boy and I pray everyday that sickness will not enter our house because it’s hard when someone is sick in the house.

When my kids are sick I feel sick too! Anyway I just make sure that they eat the right foods and take their vitamins regularly to avoid sickness. It’s hard to be sick and hospitalized because if your condition gets worse you’ll experience having dextrose attach to your arms and sometimes they will also add catheter to avoid spills on your bed. There are many things that I don’t like in a hospital so it’s better to prevent sickness to avoid that place.


:WW - Our Little Bon

This is Bon Isaac, the first grandson of my first cousin who grew up with us and has been like a big brother to us up to now. He's just four months old and just starting to move sidewards and crawls. Little Bon was the latest addition to our compound and every time his granny took him out of their house we always convinced them to stay in our house because we love havingbabies in our house.

Happy WW visit more entries -> here.


I Am Sunshine

You Are Sunshine

Soothing and calm

You are often held up by others as the ideal

But too much of you, and they'll get burned

You are best known for: your warmth

Your dominant state: connecting

What Type of Weather Are You?

I thought I'm rain lol! But anyway I guess I must really a sunshine because I connect well and good to every type of person be a manager or a messsenger. I t doesn't matter to me what you're position and status in life as long as I like the person. I'm warm and caring but I got a little temper lurking inside lol!


Online Studies

I’ve been thinking of the things that I would do when I’m really out of my office work. Of course I’ll concentrate on my family, church, my freelance writing and my blogging which makes me happy. Aside from this I want to study further but when I thought of the time that it will cost me I started to decline that thought in my mind. Little did I know that there’s an online university degree available in the net I should have decided differently. Online studies have been in the field for sometime now but I never really had a serious consideration in the past because my schedule is full. This is just the right one for me as I want to study further without the pressures of going to a regular school. I just have to choose the programs that I prefer to study.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit


Spread The Love

This spread the love award was shared by my one and only sister Redge...... she's not only my sister but my blogging pal. Thanks sis for this and for having the patience of helping me design my new blogs as I'm too busy to do that. Glad I have you!


1. Copy the badge and put it on your blog.
2. Link back the person who passed you this award.
3. Spread the love to at least 10 or more bloggers.

I’m now spreading my love to the following buddies in my blog roll..

Liza, Mira, JennyL, Tetcha and Cecile


Blessing Pours in the Morning

Lately I’ve been having problems with my eyes that after I’ve reached the house from my office it feels like it can’t take anymore pressures that’s why I sleep earlier now and just wake up early dawn to do my assignments. It feels great on that hour because I’m more relaxed and my eyes are well rested too. I’ve been doing this for two weeks now and it has done some good thing son me too as I get lots of opportunities at dawn. My granny is right blessings pours down in the early morning so when you get up late you’ll have nothing to catch :-)of course it’s just my granny’s stories but it came true yesterday!


Romantic Vacation for Two

For newly weds and vacationing couples there’s a lot of vacationing ideas that might interest them but sometimes the places that you go seems very crowded and not so romantic at all. It’s just a waste of money if you go on places like that because you’ll be spending your money and after that you’ll not be satisfied. I suggest that you open your minds to other options that might interest both parties.

First things first you must know what the two of you are most inclined to then balance your budget. Well even though you want a certain place and then it’s not affordable it wouldn’t be so much fun as you’ll go home without money on the pocket. Vacationing is good as long as you both enjoy it and you can afford it. For some romantic ideas if you really want a very nice one I suggest a romantic cancun vacation in Mexico where you can relax amidst the white-sand beach resort and enjoy a sumptuous dinner after that or just be content in visiting the secluded coves and other scenic areas. It would be a very memorable vacation and its worth all your money.


A Friend Also

Through all my difficult schedule and never ending tasks to do I keep reminding myself that it’s only a matter of time now before I can get some rest from doing multiple jobs. Everyday of my life the only rest that I have is my travel from my house to my office, I’m like a machine. I’m just happy that hubby supports me in all that I do extending his hands on whatever household tasks he could share doing with me even if his schedule is very hectic also. I know not every husband can do that for their wives and I’m very thankful that God has given him to me, not only a husband but a friend also who understands my situation always. It’s only a matter of days now and my time schedule will be lighter as I’m going to be a work-at-home Mom soon. I’m looking forward to it!


Nice Plan on a Good Morning!

I woke up very early today to do my writing assignment and as early as this time I'm planning my time schedule for the day. I must learn now how to use my time wisely or I'll run out of time for my due dates. I'm studying further how to do writing in a concise manner as I sometimes tend to write in lengthy posts.

Actually my ideas and thoughts just flows from my mind endlessly and I tend to write it all in one snap thus giving me lengthy posts which consumes my time more. It's good to doing this if I have the luxury of time but for this day I should discipline myself on a concise and quality write ups if I want to be able to finish it all.

It's a good morning and it's a good plan for me. Today is our weekly Wednesday bible study and I should be able to post everything before I leave the house for my BS.


Options Trading

Stock trading is a lucrative source of income but it’s not a stable one as stock increase and decrease. I don’t know a thing about this field but my colleagues taught me some basic information and tips on how this trading business is going on. Even if he familiarized me a little about it I think I should learn some more before even attempting to go into this business. As this area intrigues me I browsed a site online a site that offers stock options trading software that can help novice traders to have proper knowledge, control their stocks and gain profits from stock. It has a lot to offer and to someone as interested as my colleague I think this is the right one to enhance his knowledge and get the best returns on his stocks.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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