Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Life in the Province

I missed my Mom’s hometown province and we’re planning to go there after the first semester ends. We’re not sure as of this time if we’re going to spend a whole week or just a weekend vacation there. Mom and DH were talking about the vacation plan last week and my cousin in that hometown will prepare our house there if ever the plan will pursue. There are lots of things I miss there since the day we moved from there to where we’re living now. We’ve moved to my father’s hometown near the city because my father’s job was in the municipal hall and Mom was a teacher so she was able to transfer here and easily got an item in one of the elementary schools in town.

I miss the scenic view of the mountains when you wake up in the morning, the breathtaking beauty of the lake seen when you’re up in the mountains, the farm animals, the trees that never seems to run out of fruits, the old folks taking coffee slowly in the morning as if time stand still and everything about life in the province. I remember my Uncle taking me and my brother on his way to the mountains to take care of the crops. He would wear his breeches and ride on his horse where we were seated comfortably on each side of him. Well he died last year because of old age and I still miss him now together with my beautiful childhood memories of the past. I want my kids to experience the fun of playing in the trees, river and farm so if ever we’ll have time we’ll take them there for a vacation. I’m getting sentimental again.


Planning for Josh' 7th Birthday

End of the month again and was hopeful that a big client will going to pay us now. It’s almost two months now and I’m really expecting payments from that company. Anyway we’re happy that we finally decided that we’re going to celebrate little boy’s birthday on Sunday near the church. We’re asking to be permitted to rent a room in the same building where we’re renting our church fellowship venue. I hope that the owner will let us use the 35 sq.m vacant room as it’s perfect for my little boy’s birthday party. Redge and I will design it as nice as any 7th birthday party venue. We’re going to make Josh 7th birthday memorable for him.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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