Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Potty Train Your Child

Part of parenting is making sure that they are ready in every step of the way. Babies and toddlers are a very challenging group. You might find yourself confused and with a number of questions especially when it comes to potty training. Is there really a desired age for potty training? Moms are very much particular with details and they tend to follow the instructions especially in such aspects. There is no official age as to when you should start training your child. However, there may be physical and emotional indications that could tell that your child is ready.

Most parents would start the training their toddlers at the age of 2 or 3. It is because kids could already talk and understand making it easier to communicate with them. Once you can see that your child is ready the next step is to make sure that the entire process will be a nice experience for your kid. Go out and shop for some tools that can help you potty train your child in a fun way. Of course don’t forget to buy his first potty; choose one with attractive colors and pleasing design.

Take it one at a time. Keep in mind that potty training will not happen overnight. It will definitely require patience and a lot of effort. Don’t forget to give your child some positive reinforcements and small rewards when they are making progress. Learn tips on potty training by reading some parenting websites or magazines.

Sabrina currently works as a freelance writer. Among her favorite topics include travel, current events, technology and fashion. She's enjoying her current task writing for eternittag a project which is all about a special type of roof.


Overcoming Anxieties Over CT Daycare Centers

The reasons why some parents may hesitate to bring their kids to CT daycare centers.

Not all parents immediately welcome the idea of sending their kids to daycare centers. Some dads and moms hesitate bringing their kids to daycare for the following reasons.

· Separation anxiety. Some parents think that sending their kids to daycare causes a lot of separation anxiety for their children. The truth is, most of the time, the parents are the ones that instinctively suffer from it. The mere thought of being away from the kids conjures up ideas of helplessness and sometimes even uselessness.

In many CT daycare centers, however, this is not the case. Children in some centers are slowly trained to become independent and to enjoy the company of other kids of the same age. At the same time, parents are well informed and regularly updated about their kids’ conditions and accomplishments so they remain a part of their children’s development.

· Fear of getting burnt out. Although a few Connecticut day care centers already introduce some learning in everyday meetings, learning is not that formal. Lessons are integrated in games and activities so children never feel the pressure nor do they even become aware that they are already studying. It is fun learning so there’s no danger of burn out. On the contrary, children develop a more positive look on schooling so that they are prepared when it is time for them to move on to a CT preschool.

· Accidents and bullying. A lot of parents become paranoid when it comes to how their children are treated when they’re not looking. Who wouldn’t be? With no familiar adults beside them, and with other kids they don’t even know, it’s not very difficult to imagine how our children can easily play the part of victim in class. But, that’s usually not the case.

In many centers, teachers are specifically trained to be vigilant, to always look out for the welfare of each child, to effectively control the class so each kid becomes engaged in safe and well-planned activities throughout the whole day. Teachers in the center believe it is the most effective way of keeping them away from accidents and bullying.

These fears are all reasonable and practical but they should not stop the children from learning or enjoying learning outside of their homes.

About the Author:

Aggie Aviso is a freelance consumer and business writer, writing comprehensive reviews, articles and how-to's.


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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