Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Learned My Lessons Well!

I think I’m staying up late this evening as I’ve got a long list of tasks to do. I’ve learned my lesson now I will not do my tasks on due dates. That habit has affected me a lot and I’ve scolded myself for doing so. I’ll finish all my tasks due for tomorrow even if my sleep will just be a dream. It’s always better to be early than running for deadlines. I hate that habit of mine and promised myself I’ll change. From this day on I’ll leave a one day allowance for the tasks so if there’s a correction of problem I’ll be able to manage it.


Accessories for the Whole Family

I’ve always liked looking at gadgets and techie items and its accessories. Now that my kids are growing up they’re more attracted to nice things like HTC Pure Accessories for their own mobile phones. I remember buying my second kid mobile charms with her favorite character for her cellular phone. Now she’s asking if she can have one of those HTC Pure Cases we saw just the other week. Anyway I still have to see it to be able to decide if I’ll buy it and I also have to look for other HTC Accessories like memory cards and cases. I really need them now.


My Home is Not Haunted

Just took this test for fun and I'm glad that the result is ok, I don't actually want a result that will say that my home is haunted :-)

Your Home Is Not Haunted

There's nothing particularly creepy about your home. Anything you notice is probably quite normal.
You probably already knew that your home isn't haunted. In fact, you may not even believe in homes being haunted.

Your home is welcoming, warm, and comfortable. Even on the coldest and deadest of nights, you feel safe.
Your home is the perfect place to watch a terrifying horror movie. No matter how scared you get, you'll sleep soundly afterwards.


Easy Search for Repair Parts

All over the world we heard news of disasters happening to some Asian countries, America, Europe and other parts of the world. Through modern telecast of news we have seen how natural disasters like storm, earthquakes and other catastrophe have brought deaths, casualties and lost of properties. Those are things that no one ever imagined happening. But now that it’s happened we learned so many things from the experience of struggling through survival. In our own country the government now tries to enforce strict rules in the supervision of water reservoir. Now setting aside bad things we must move on forward and continue our lives with God as our guide.

To go on with our lives we must face the fact that we’ve lost properties and investments that we’ve put up for several years like our houses, appliances and furniture that were heavily damaged by the said occurrences. We’re now left with malfunctioning appliances that need immediate attention. Anyway we don’t have any choice but to save what’s left and have it looked up by technician. Worst scenario is they don’t have needed spare parts and will have to wait for the stock to replenish.

Maybe this is where internet searching and online shopping helps as you don’t have to look elsewhere for parts that you need especially when you need Humidifier Parts for your house humidifier. You can easily search online for parts that you need in sites like in hvacpartsshop.com where you’ll find spare parts for air conditioners, compressors, humidifiers, transformers, filters, heat parts and others. They’re also the no. 1 internet source of Lennox repair parts. So if you need anything you can search for parts in their site search box and choose categories. I’m sure you’ll be glad to see the results.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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