Meaning of Flowers in My Life
I’ve always love flowers since I was a child. Guess I got it from my Mom who loves to plant and grow it in our garden. She has a green thumb so every plants and pots of flowers she puts in the garden grows abundantly. I’ve always watched how she lovingly talks to her plants everyday just like humans and it has a positive effect on their growth.
I remember having plenty of roses in our terrace all lined with vibrant red colors. Now that she’s old already my husband and I help her in keeping the garden. She was so happy that we shared the same fondness in landscaping and maintaining a garden. Every bloom that my Mom sees in the morning makes her smile and it surely makes her day happy.
Well that’s what we call the power of flower which Jephry Florist shares also as flowers can do some wonders in our life. Flowers are given as gift to young ladies and women by those who want to win their love. It’s also used in wedding, birthdays, special occasions and festivities. When someone is sick the best to bring to comfort and wish the sick well is nonetheless flowers. The kind of flowers varies though when you want to give it because it has symbols that express different meaning.
My husband gave me red roses when he’s still courting me because he wants to express his deep love for me. Red roses are the symbol for love and romance. But when I decided to accept his love he began giving me white roses which are actually my favorites and it’s a signal for me that whoever give me white rose will be the one for me. It represents innocence and purity of love and that’s what my dear husband gave me – his pure love.
During our days of courtship giving flowers means you have to buy it yourself and personally give it to someone you love or go to a shop to look for flowers available and have it delivered. It’s actually sweet but for those who have a very tight schedule won’t be able to do it. Thankfully these days you can search the net, choose the ones you like, order it online and have it delivered to your special someone. Much easier and while some others are still skeptic about ordering flowers online I still think it’s also cute and sweet because no matter what your style in giving flowers is the most important is the thought of giving. Just be sure that you get the most beautiful and freshest flowers in custom designs and a bouquet.