Discounted Leather Shoes
My sister and I went to SM with my two girls to buy them shoes for recognition and graduation. I wanted branded leather black shoes for them because I want their shoes to last a long time. I went to the brand I like because I know their materials used for shoes are of quality standards and can withstand the wearer’s activities everyday. I was happy that we were able to avail of 50% discount on Qibi shoes and I got lot of savings for my budget money for them. Hope I can also get the mbt shoes on sale items now especially the Geox Kid’s shoes. I like the color and style of coffee/orange leather for the little boy even if I just bought him an MM rubber shoes yesterday.
Anyway I’m getting more relaxed as I’ve finally bought the things I need for the graduation of my two kids and eventually I’ll have some time to buy a special blouse for myself. Lately I’ve been staying at the house more often because of the good season in my online job and as such I can’t shop for the things I need. I just rely on my sister to do some shopping for me. I’m lucky to have a sister like her.