Thursday, February 4, 2010

Recovering from Day Laziness

It’s been a lazy day for me as I haven’t finished any task in the morning and afternoon. Our late night yesterday after bible study has made me so lazy the whole day. Maybe my blogging overnights last week has affected my health and now I’m just suffering the consequences. I’m taking my headache medicine for two days now and I’m glad tonight made me feel stronger to work on my tasks. I’m happy that when I’m inspired and feeling good I can do several tasks in one or two hours only. Well I also need to work on my lazy days as I don’t want to be beating again on my deadlines.

We’ve finished dinner early in the evening at 7pm and my kids were all ready to study assignments and watch television afterwards. Just after 8:00 in the evening they’re all sleeping and I returned to my PC to recover from my lack of accomplishments the whole day. When hubby came home I was halfway my due tasks and now I’m just visiting some sites and getting ready for my sleep.


Live with Better Vision Through Lasik Surgery

I always dream of having my 20/20 vision back again which was lost when my vision blurred because of some reading habits that brought too much pressure on my eyes. I was a student when I first had my eyeglasses and I wear it at all times because my doctor advised me that wearing them can prevent further blurring of vision. Now when I recalled about it I realized that I spent half of my life wearing eyeglasses and I still prefer it than contact lens. I like contact lens because it will free me from eyeglasses that seem to make anyone look old but I’m comfortable with my eyeglasses. It’s just that I wish I could have a better vision so I can play my favorite sports and be able to see far objects clearly.

When my Mom was operated on her cataract I get to see her doctor more often and learned that Lasik Surgery is now available. In fact there are various clinics like Lasik Surgery Boston who provides this kind of service. They offer iLASIK procedure to their customers who have eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. It’s just a quick and painless operation procedure that will return your vision into its former clarity. You can attain 20/20 or better vision right after the procedure. This procedure is guaranteed safe but not applicable to other eye problems like cataract, glaucoma and some others.

Modern technology innovations has successfully reached the eye science and I was one of the people who are very happy to know that I can be cured from my nearsightedness and live a better life with clearer vision.

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About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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