Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Limiting Rice on My Meals

I’m on my 3rd day of abstaining rice on my diet during lunch and dinner time. I still have to decide if I’m going to give up my breakfast because I’m a morning person and I can’t start a day without having full breakfast. Many say that breakfast meals are fine because I can lose them all up on my activities the whole day. But I’m working on that yet and for the meantime I’m taking half servings only. My friend talks about this hcg diet she read online but I’m still keeping on my original plan and that’s getting on my healthy meal diet.

Actually I can survive without too much rice as I can eat as much fruits and vegetables during lunch and dinner. I’m taking pineapples before lunch time so I’ll be full enough not to want some other food aside from veggies. On dinner I eat a different vegetable recipe and a slice of papaya and pineapple. On other days I’m taking apples at night. Now I’m taking notes of some other fruits that are good for cleansing bad toxins so when I start on my real cleansing diet I’m ready with my supplies. I hope I can keep up with my plan.


Better Take Care than Be Hospitalized

I went outside to buy snacks for my kids and even if I stayed for nearly 20 minutes only I felt the scorching heat of the sun. It seems to get through my skin and head. It's no wonder that people with hypertension are now very susceptible to sudden attacks. Some of the seniors suffer a shoot of blood pressure when they're exposed to too much heat. My Auntie who has a high BP prevented herself from going out too far from 10 in the morning up to 4 in the afternoon. It's the peak of the heat and after that the temperature cools down a bit. It's always better to take care than to suffer attack of high blood pressure and other heart-related sickness.


Had a Rejuvenating Sleep

I’m so refreshed when I wake up because I had a 7-hour sound sleep and from my sleeping records I don’t have that plenty hours of sleep especially during school days. I’m also not used to taking a nap as I’ve worked for 19 years in different offices and got used to sleeping at night only. Now whenever I feel like taking a nap I would divert my attention to my due tasks and drink cold coffee or munch on sour fruits to prevent my eyes from closing. Well now that I’m feeling well and getting more quality sleep I will not be able to use the best eye cream for dark circles that my Auntie has given me. Maybe I’ll just save it for future use when I need to keep awake until dawn because of numerous assignments.

For now I’m just happy that I’m returning to normal condition and it will be a good sign for my plan of having a cleansing diet next week or the following weeks. I think that I should be in my good health condition when I start eating fruits only because I’m afraid that I can’t survived it if I’m sickly. I’m having this cleansing diet to get rid of bad toxins in my body which in turn can also reduce my big tummy. That’s hitting two birds in one stone!


Got My Connection Back

I was tired from the yesterday’s hopping from my house to my brother just to work on my tasks and submit it on time because my connection failed. I wasn’t satisfied with using prepaid so I decided to work on my brother’s house which made my niece happy because they were alone there for 3 days because big bro has a ministerial travel in the province. She told me that she would love it if I work there also today.

Anyway I arrive home late around 9pm with my kids from my brother’s house and was retiring early to bed when DH tried our internet connection. I was feeling a little frustrated with my Smart broadband because for the past two weeks it’s not working good with router and yesterday it’s down even on direct connection. Well so much for my temper as when he tried it I was glad that it did worked. I really admire his patience on everything especially on me lol!


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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