Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ways on How to Plan Your Own Home

Owning a home is everyone’s dream and a must if you want to be independent from your family and if you want to settle down and start a family of your own. Not all people has enough finances to build their own home and most likely they resort to renting apartments which is the quickest way to have your own place to live. If you think wisely you’ll realize that it’s more expensive paying monthly rentals to a place you can’t own and it’s better when you consider estimating affordability  and searching for a good real estate company that offers the right house plan for your requirements. Since it’s a bit costly to invest in real estate, people find it best to apply for house financing plans. 

Taking out housing loan is a major financial decision that people should be thinking about carefully because mortgage term usually lasts for 15 to 25 years. In entering mortgage agreement it is vital to consider some factors before finalizing your decision. You should compute your monthly income against your monthly expenses to see if you can get through the mortgage payments for the next several years of your life. You can also have some of the printable amortisation schedules  to calculate your payments and decide if your income can afford it. 

It is also important to know the status of real estate in this period because a lot of things changed when COVID 19 hit the globe. It greatly affected the way people live and work. It changed their outlook in life, became cautious in socializing with friends and how they spend their money. People became wise in spending only for the basic essentials in life – food, medicine and home essentials. With these changes brought about by the crisis in health, some businesses suffered economic crisis. 

Some people lost their jobs because companies suffered either decline in profits or bankruptcy. Real estate investments were not spared from this as it's frozen for a time. With the rise of health crisis people missed mortgage payments, sales of properties declined, leased contracts were cancelled and cash flows were minimized to just surviving the company operations. Many people opt to sell their properties to survive the health crisis and some who are planning to invest took a break and decided to wait until the pandemic is over. 

So many things have happened in the past two years and people learned how to live with the simple things in life prioritizing what’s essential in living. Now that the world is slowly returning to normal, some businesses are gaining income again and picking up where they left off including the real estate industry. People can now go back to planning their own home and consulting loan estimator to check whether it’s viable to enter new mortgage or if it’s best to consider remortgages, whatever fits their economic status. 

Well due to financial difficulties some people cannot really save money to buy their homes because house prices are also rising tremendously. For those who cannot invest without help there’s a way to do it with some assistance from the government. There are governments who launch various schemes to help homeowners fulfill their dream of having their own home. You can take ideas from the Government Help to Buy a Home: Schemes & Guidance and seek for advice.

My family is also thinking about entering a mortgage to renovate and upsize our home because some of us are working from home and we’re thinking of making a bigger home office for a more comfortable working environment. We want to estimate payments first before entering a house loan so we will not be burdened with the heavy monthly mortgage. It’s always best to plan and think of ways to maximize income to cope up with the new payments to make. 

I even know some people are doing loan overpayment and asking the help of online calculator to have a graph of monthly and yearly amortization tables. It works really well whether you’re considering buying a new home or even refinancing your old mortgage. It works both ways and it always pays to have a careful and detailed financing planning before deciding to buy a home. If you’re up to it you can visit some mortgage calculator sites.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Recreational Game Bonding with the Family

Having a big family requires a lot of attention and recreational time for the kids to enjoy family bonding together. It’s when they spend their time away from school and from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. As a Mom I usually spend my weekends cooking for my family for them to enjoy not just our time together but their favorite foods as well especially when I have free days away from my work. At the end of the day we spend the rest of our time either watching netflix shows or playing games be it real games or free online games. Kids these days are fond of playing online games which requires creativity and fun actions. 

My kids enjoy fast paced games like network gaming, word games or puzzles that brings out the best of their intellects, as long as the challenge is there they seem to like it. I join them when they play online word puzzles like scramble video game.  The game is very interesting and having played scrabble and word factory games a lot I seem to enjoy it. In this game you just use whatever letter tiles you see in the playing field to create words, you type it and submit. I need to be fast in creating and submitting words or the letters will pile up and gets jumbled. I get excited whenever I finish one level after another. It brings out the best of my vocabulary words and I also learn from it. I’m actually amazed that my kids are even faster that I am. 

My son who loves blocks usually plays minecraft and tetra blocks game as he feels good setting up all those blocks into some sort of order. Though it’s easy on the starting point it gets harder when you miss the right order of blocks and the tower gets higher and movements get faster. Well this is also my favorite and I can play it with much ease and comfort just like my son. We reached higher points than others and we just love playing it over and over again especially when we see the stars brighten upon connecting them next to each other. Games can really make you young at heart. 

My husband sometimes splurge into playing to rest his mind off his busy work schedule but he relaxes when playing the good old school game solitaire as it’s a really relaxing game where you can play at your own pace, just thinking on the moves and completing the pile of cards. He just needs some concentration and he can enjoy it without pressure. Well everyone has their own preferences when choosing games and it always depends on what triggers your curiosity or what challenges you more. What matters also is enjoying every minute of playing so it will be a happy moment not just for you but for the whole family as well. So whenever you have free time from your busy work days start your own family game bonding and look out for some free, fun games on


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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