Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Making Your Weekend Worthwhile

Staying at home with your family is such a relaxing moment especially if the whole family is present. At home you can do anything to make your weekend or holiday a worthwhile respite from usual activities. For most mothers like me they can try their cooking skills and serve the best meals for their family. Some can try their green thumbs in gardening and others can say enjoy a good movie to make the best of family togetherness. Enjoying time together with the family is not just relaxing but making such good memories as well. 

Music is also such as a great way to make the weekend something to look up to especially if you have kids like me who can play musical instruments with ease and inspiration. Well my son just mentioned cobra clutch and how good it will be on music playing. He’s such a good searcher and he googles everything he needs to know just like his favorite musical instruments and accessories. I know he’ll make a nice musician in the next years to come.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Calming Effect of Music to Our Home

Last weekend is such a nice long weekend because we all had a rest; we didn’t plan to go anywhere so we just had a good family time together in the house. Well my girls, as expected have some college papers and drawings to do so they’re glad to have some day off the university. They both go to the same university so it’s easier for me to monitor them. They’re taking up two quite different courses; the eldest in Hospitality Management dealing with hotel, restaurant, resort, cruise and transportation management and the younger daughter pursuing Industrial Engineering. I’m lucky to have two dedicated students who want to reach their dreams. They’re both inspired with their chosen career and will study hard to achieve their goals. 

Well life is not all work and no play as with my girls they also relax and take a break from studying and when they do they manage to tinker their favorite musical instruments to unwind and have some nice sounds. Gen is playing various instruments but her favorite is guitar. She’s actually pining for an electrical guitar these past few weeks especially when she gets to see charvel san dimas. Playing guitar is such a nice respite for her from many pressures of taking up Engineering and when she does it she’s also making me feel serene and happy. That’s the effect of hearing her play a guitar or keyboard to me, a calming effect.


Friday, September 9, 2016

Getting a Good Replacement for Your Driveway

If you're a homeowner, you want your property to look great on both the inside and the outside. Having an attractive, well-maintained driveway can help give visitors a positive first impression of your home. In addition, replacing your driveway can be a smart investment that adds to the value of your property. There are a number of other benefits a new asphalt driveway can provide.

Enhancing Your Home's Appeal

Maintaining the curb appeal of your property is important, and a driveway can serve as the focal point of your exterior. When people see that your driveway is in excellent condition, they'll automatically assume that the rest of your home has been taken care of. If you're planning on selling your home, buyers will be drawn to a house with a beautiful exterior, and a new driveway will be an attractive feature to them because it's one less renovation they'll need to do themselves.

Providing Convenience

Finding street parking can be a serious hassle. Having a spacious driveway can help you save time, especially if your family has more than one vehicle, and you'll be able to rest assured that your car is safe. Additionally, it's easier to clear snow from your driveway if you keep it in good condition, and if you have children, a driveway can offer a safe play area.

Asphalt Vs. Concrete

When you decide to replace your driveway, you'll need to choose whether to use asphalt or concrete. Asphalt provides a number of advantages. It's more affordable than concrete, and the installation can be done more swiftly. Asphalt is also very durable, and it's more resistant to moisture and changes in temperature. Should your asphalt ever start to crack, getting it repaired is a lot easier and less expensive than having a concrete repair done.

A business like Asphalt Driveway Co. can help you when you're searching for driveway replacement Minneapolis. When hiring a driveway contractor, it's smart to get bids from several different companies. You'll want to find a professional who will listen to your ideas and be flexible about working with you. When you have the expertise of a competent professional, having a new driveway installed should be a fairly simple process.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

How to Purchase a Stairlift for Your Home

Do you have someone living in your home who is elderly or handicapped? If this is the case, this person might have problems walking up and down stairs. This can make life very difficult when a person has a hard time getting around their own home. Fortunately, there is a piece of technology that has been designed specifically for this type of situation. It is called a stairlift. It is a chair that is connected to the side of your staircase. All you have to do is sit in the chair and press a button. The motorized chair will safely carry you up or down he stairs. Here are some things you should consider if you are going to be installing a stairlift in your home.

1. You should only buy a stairlift from a company that includes a long and comprehensive warranty.

Mechanical items like stairlifts are going to have some problems eventually. Therefore, you need to be sure that you have a warranty covering your stairlift so you will not need to pay for the repairs out of your own pocket. Repairs on a stairlift can be quite expensive depending on what the problem is and what needs to be replaced. Having the right warranty will save you a lot of money in the future.

2. How much will it cost to install the stairlift?

Buying the stairlift will not be your only expense. You will also need to hire a company to install it for you. Needless to say, this is not the sort of thing that an average person will be able to install. It is important that you hire a company that has a great deal of experience when it comes to installing outdoor stairlifts New York NY. You will find that companies that install stairlifts will charge a wide variety of prices. This is why you should take the time to contact all of the companies that do this job in your area and get quotes from them.

3. Find out if the stairlift you are interested in is safe.

It is crucial that you investigate the safety record of any stairlift that you are seriously considering buying. You obviously want to avoid any models that have had a history of malfunctions and accidents associated with them. The safety of you or your loved one is much too important to take any chances.


Monday, September 5, 2016

Outdoor Home Decor Lightings

We love staying at the patio or at our terrace in the house but when it's dark outside we never stay late there as it's not so conducive to chatting and bonding.  We don't want to stay in a place where the lightings are not enough to create a cozy and warm ambiance.  Well I've seen plenty of light effects on some of the houses that my brother has built and I can say that these lights are a lot different from what I saw.

These clusters of light located in patio corners are ideal lights for the outdoor area in your house where you can feel the warmth of the golden shades of light, just enough to make your stay worthwhile and pleasant.  At first I thought that it's a DIY project only but when I took a closer look I realized it's meant for patio corner's lightings to bring some life into the corner of the patio.  And life indeed because the lights in the image above added attraction and respect also.

Saw these bubble caged glass lanterns from potterybarn.com.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Pirate Ship Playhouse

Source: hammacher.com via Race on Pinterest

My little boy saw this and he loves this and imagines playing in their school play as a pirate. This school year they were trained and taught different roles to play. He played as a politician, engineer, fireman, street boy and many other roles. He excitedly played them all and got good grades. With all of those plays we did some really hard to do props like fire truck, car, armor of God and a lot more.

His Dad contributed a lot in his school works arranging all costumes and things to use and even spent over nights. Anyway Josh just told me that this pirate playhouse is really cool and nice to play with his school friends with pirate costumes of course. Boys are boys and they really are excited over playing things they see on movies. Now if you're ready to play in this playhouse get ready with your costumes.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Stylish Attire for Women

Girls are always on the run for something stylish to wear when occasion calls for some gathering. It doesn’t really need to have expensive clothing as there are plenty of wardrobe available to suit your specific fashion requirements. Actually it’s easy to do it online as many sites like stylewe.com are just there to provide wide variety of clothes for whatever occasion you want to attend to.

Online shopping is a great help especially for working women who don’t have enough time to go to stores, imagine spending a lot of time going through stores and racks of clothes just to get something to wear for a birthday, reunion or any gathering you want to go to. Going through online sites is not just time saver but convenient as well because you can do it in the comfort of your home or anywhere you are. If you need sey cotton mini skirts you can choose from several brands of skirts, preferred colors, textiles and of course the style.

Well if you want a site that can perk up your dull wardrobe or one that can satisfy your fashion sense just click here  and everything will just be available easily. Now you will never worry again if something comes up or if an occasion suddenly pops up because you can be in your most fashionable and most beautiful outfit.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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