Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Future Investments for my Kids

It’s hard to find a good and stable job now even if you’re a college graduate. It takes not only education but work experience and skills to be employed. I’ve been involved in Human Resource Department for 6 years and I know how hard for job seekers to land into the job they really want. Sometimes you’ll be given or offered a job that’s not your field of studies and work. I’m also one of those who were given a job in Accounting and Human Resource even if I graduated with Computer Engineering degree. I accepted it with a challenge on my part that I can learn the job in as little time as possible. I wasn’t given any choice but to accept the tasks given to me with or without experience or education about it. I was fortunate enough to learn it and I’ve worked on that job for six years before I resigned to work at home.

Well I’ve rounded up all departments before I decided to give it up to concentrate on blogging and accept online writing tasks. When I resigned from my work I was given an ample amount of separation pay and at first I want to buy gold coins to secure a good investment for my money. It’s the safest investment I know because precious metals like gold appreciates value throughout the years and it will ensure a higher profit on your money. Now I’m still thinking about it and keep on planning for my kids’ future.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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