Mixing Traditional and Modern Home Decor With Flair
Some of the most conversation-worthy homes are decorated with an eclectic mix of new and old furnishings. This approach adds interest and allows you to incorporate your own personal style to your home. It also lets you keep up with the trends without spending a fortune. The key to success when mixing traditional and modern decor with flair is to find balance.
Maintain a Color Anchor
One way to add cohesiveness to eclectic design is to stay within a color scheme in order to anchor the room. When picking up snazzy modern pieces to add to the look of a room, choose a color that already exists there.
Keep It Balanced
Half the appeal of decorating with various styles is in the shopping. When a piece catches your eye, you naturally want to bring it home. That's fine, as long as you keep in mind that you'll want to balance that item with what you already have. For example, if you purchase a tall funky vase to add to your end table, consider adding something of similar height to the opposite end table for balance.
Remain True to Scale
Along the lines of balance comes the concept of scale. When you have a variety of furniture styles, it's imperative to choose pieces that are similar in size. Pick up dining chairs at a flea market and paint them each a different color for placing around your large kitchen table. Just make sure each is similar in size and scale so that the eye can visually scan them with ease.
Stay in Shape
Another ground rule, so to speak, of mixing traditional and modern home decor is to choose pieces of similar shape. If you're going with large, plush sofas in a room, it's not a good idea to add a thin, boxy wooden chair in the grouping.
Mix It Up Equally
When going with a mix of modern and traditional, try to maintain an equitable balance of each throughout the room. If there is too much of one style clustered in a particular area, the difference will be glaring rather than attaining the seamless look you're after.
There are lots of advantages to choosing opposites in home decor. Buying classics like traditional Thomasville furniture is an investment that will last for years and never go out of style. Adding modern pieces is a way to add personality, stay with the times and never get bored. Happy decorating.