Monday, August 24, 2009

Some Household Needs

It’s always nice to have more free time in the house, this way you’ll have time to arrange or rearrange house to your heart’s desire. I really enjoyed my new status now as a work-at-home mom because I’m the manager of my own house and I can fit in various house jobs in shorter time. Since my daughters are old enough they help me every now and then with small minor tasks in the house. Now as I’m trying to rearrange appliances I noted the ones that need repairs like the old wooden cabinets, kitchen cabinet and many others. After the rearrangement I realized that I’ll shall need tv stands also to organize things up. Of course I’ve searched online for this and quite satisfied with my finds.


:Today's Flowers #54 - Peach Orchids!

Click the image to enlarge and see the full beauty of the orchid

I've chosen this one to follow my weekly theme of having one color of flower every week. I've started with white then pink flowers now this peach orchids I've found in my bestfriend's garden when I dropped by her place. Actually JennyL told me to take a shot on their orchids so I can post it on this weekly meme of beautiful flowers. I like the color of this orchid, something like peach with shades cascading to light yellow color with a red center bloom. I forgot to ask the name of this one so I just called it the peach orchid.

Happy Monday! Visit more beautiful flowers at Today's Flower => here.


Sharing Responsibilities

Running a household is not a simple task and now that I’m a work-at-home Mom I’m officially full time with my whole household. When I was working in office I was so busy that some chores that I failed to finish will be continued by my dear hubby because his office schedule was an hour later than mine. He was so supportive that he never let me handle all household tasks just because I’m the woman in the house.

Ever since we got married several years ago he shared responsibilities with household tasks, those tasks that he thinks will be harder to women or the ones that will affect my health. Now he didn’t stopped from doing what he used to do but I limit those to minimum work as I have more time now to concentrate managing our house. There are just some tasks that women can’t do or hesitant to do like fixing faucets which doesn’t seem to last for a year or fixing the car. And to that I put full responsibility to my husband.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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