You Are Loved No Matter What
When I and my sister were young we used to promise ourselves that when we're older and bigger we will turn to each other for every problem that we will encounter. We agreed that we'll share everything no matter how small or big it is. Those young promises came true as after 30 years we're still the same sisters that shares everything and stick together through thick and thin.
As my younger sister remains single up to this time she stands as the second Mom of my kids giving them love, care and at times gives them money too. She's like a real Mom to them and I'm so grateful for that giving my kids not just one loving Mom but two.
When we talk to the kids we always them how we together with our big brother love each other so much that we'll cross every bridge of problem thrown to us with our hands together. We always tell them to love their family greater than friends as family will always love them no matter what....
Even if you're not the most beautiful, not the most intelligent and not the nicest person on earth you'll still be loved without questions, without measures and without conditions. And that it times of need and the worst times of your life it's your family that will see you through and love you come what may.