Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Natural Way of Treating Acne

My cousin has been worried lately by the small pimples that suddenly popped out of her face near the nose. It has always been her dilemma because she always tells us that she got it from her father’s blood, the skin prone to pimples and acne. I’m still wondering if it’s hereditary as my cousin always tells me. Well if that’s true many would groan as that will add to their problem. You can’t easily cure hereditary sickness. My cousin’s profession is teaching and she badly needed a remedy to her problem as she always face a lot of people everyday and she’s getting conscious of her face scars brought about by pimples. And she’s also worried that it might turn into acne.

I’ve been blessed I must say that my parents don’t have history of pimple or acne-prone skin if hereditary thing is true. But when I was in college days I experienced one or two pimples now and then if I spent late nights and eat too much fatty foods but I’m lucky that I passed the puberty stage without scars of acne on my face just like my siblings. But still I’m doing some reading and surfing on issues about skin problems because it can happen to anyone and if you know about Natural Acne treatment you can help others recover from this. Acne laser treatment is good and fast solution to acne problem but it’s also expensive. If you can’t afford laser treatment and you’re patient enough you can start curing your pimples or acne in a natural way. Best way is through a good healthy diet devoid of too many fats and sugars, using herbal medicines, drink plenty of water to wash away toxins and proper hygiene. You might never know solution for your acne can be found in your home only.


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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