Saturday, July 12, 2008


I was scheduled to go to Laguna to accompany a developer-buyer to look at our coco plantation there. It was from my mom’s parents and we want to keep it but my uncle can’t maintain the lot anymore so we decided to sell it to invest on some low land properties. I’ve received a rather late notice from my brother canceling our appointment which at first bothered me as it’s only one day to go before the scheduled tripping. My brother cancelled our appointment because there’s news that there’s a proposed road construction from Marikina to Infanta. This means that our lot will increase its value because the proposed road will definitely be on the side of mountainous lot.

My brother’s reason is justifiable but it embarrasses me to cancel scheduled appointment in a short notice. It was actually the second time that it’s cancelled. Anyway no one’s going to do it but me and I prayed that they’re not going to get mad at me, the agent was my friend’s mom and I’m really apprehensive with her reactions. I called her yesterday and was relieved when her tone of voice didn’t changed when I told her that my brother is having second thoughts and been very busy with his work that he has cancelled our trip in a short notice. I was glad of her peaceful reaction and was relieved that I don’t have to travel to our province today because I’ve many things to finish this day.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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