Open Media Site
Keeping up with the news is very important in our life that’s why we buy daily newspapers, subscribed to magazines, watch news on television and update ourselves over internet for current news around the world. It’s part of our life and without it it’s like living on far away uncivilized areas. We need to keep track of what’s happening in our community, our own country and around the globe.
As a very busy person with a full time job in the office and part-time job at night I find it hard sometimes to read the latest updates on newspapers or watch television so I just turned to news on the net for the things that I want to know. It’s nice to know that now there’s allvoices, a site that allows anyone to report news from anywhere around the world. It’s a media that’s open to all and because of this you can update yourself with the current news on people, web2.0 politics coverage, stories all over the world and many other news updates, you can even report your own if you want to. You can contribute news and report them via mobile phones and your personal computers to share videos and news. You can connect and participate in the discussion adding comments to stories or you can add your voice for those who really want to have their piece of the news casting.
It’s really a great help for people who want to report news and to know what’s happening around them. It’s like having your news at your fingertips just like me browsing all news that interests me and I find it worthwhile.
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