Graduation Meeting
I’ve attended St. Audry’s PTA meeting last Saturday, agenda was about the coming graduation for this school year. On my way there I happened to ride with the granny of Bea, Josh classmate and she greeted me right away making me realized that she really knows me. I’m amazed at the guardians of Josh classmate who frequent the school almost everyday, they seem to know each parent of their kid’s classmate.
We arrived at the school early and spent waiting hours talking about the kids and learned that Bea and Josh are almost the same in their antics and attitude, both are also fun to talk to. The school directress discussed about the value of giving time and attention to our kids. Parents should devote quality hours with the kids no matter how busy they are because they need assistance on their everyday activities. She talked to the parents of the few students who are until this time are having a hard time in reading, they can’t allow Prep students to graduate without the ability of reading.
Anyway about our agenda of discussing matters concerning graduation, the fees and attire are the same as last year. They must wear Sunday attire, not so formal and not so casual. This year they will have a 2-day graduation schedule on March 19 & 20 to have orderly graduation rites. They also informed us that there will be a slight increase in tuition fees but it’s very minimal so there should be no problem. It’s Josh’ second graduation, the first was when he was in nursery. He’s a second honor then and delivered a speech. I was the one who was more nervous lol! Here's a recap:
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