Road Improvement Headache
I had only an hour or two sleep last night because Meralco has started changing our street’s electric post for the new widened roads. The widening and drainage improvement of A Bonifacio Avenue is nearing to an end, hopefully with all prayers! This project has caused too much disturbance in our place and the sad thing about it is it took them more than 2 months to do widening of a street which is less than 1 kilometer in length. I’ve been in a consulting company for construction of bridges and roads and I have a basic knowledge of at least knowing how long it will take to do the job.
The progress was so slow it will give you headache if you’re living in our place. Not to mention that we were only given a meager amount for the affected properties that was demolished. The amount was not enough to construct a new wall fence, gate and the private concrete post we have in our house. Though we have accepted all of this because we have no choice I think it’s the government’s duty to at least finish the work as fast as they could because it’s giving us a headache. Really road improvements are most of the times a pain!
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