Monday, July 27, 2009

Let Your Site Be Searched Easily

Blogging is my way of expressing my thoughts and experiences in life. It is in sharing those that I came to share also some inspirational thoughts to help people be refreshed and inspired. In this world we live in you cannot have a life without challenges, pressures and worries. The only thing you can do is to have them carefully managed in your life and to look at challenges as a way of being close to God. They say that you feel closer to Him when you have troubles; well it’s right because people have a tendency to pray hard when in need of God’s help. Of course when I share inspirational thoughts I want many people to read what I’ve written and I can’t do my objective if I don’t have many visitors in my site.
Now getting my blog indexed is very important to me especially if it’s a new one. I was just thinking that if it’s not indexed I can’t be found by searchers. Getting traffic to your site is every blogger’s wish and I’m not an exception. Whatever the reason is be it good ranking or traffic you want you can submit your site to free directory submissions which provides a way to get your site indexed by such famous search engines like Google, Yahoo and some other SEO. With this free tool available for bloggers like me I can be searched easily by my friends and those who want to read some of my shared inspirations. More traffic for me too!


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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