:Today's Flowers #53 - Pinkies!

Happy Monday! Visit more beautiful flowers at Today's Flower => here.
Through life's memorable journey I'm sharing my family, milestones in our life and everything about home.
Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel
Beautiful picures and great shots.
Thank you for sharing!!
Beautiful pink flower shots.
Beautiful pink flower shots.
Beautiful flowers and the shades of pink are lovely. Pink reminds me of high school proms, such innocent days.
Through Squirrel Eyes
A couple of nice pinks.
Hi Race, a great choice of photos, beautiful flowers. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Have a great week.
Both pink flower sprays, oleander and bougainvillea, are so pretty. I love pink in all shades in the garden and I also think a pink jumper or tee looks very feminine and attractive. Yes pink is one of my favourite colours too.
Your flowers are gorgeous!
I guess every woman loves flowers! Hehehe. e
These are pretty pink flowers.
P.S. I understand how it is to be a SAHM, you tend to jiggle everything in one day! Just take it easy, you will get things in routine pretty soon. I am glad you enjoyed my photos. Thanks for your EC drops!
There's something about pink flowers that always make me smile :)
I like these photos much more!
Thank you for your visit and a good week!
Beautiful flowers Race, thanks for sharing them and thanks for dropping by my blog too:) I like your header.
hi jane, thanks too! my header was designed by my bestfriend JennyL who introduced me to blogging, she's a digiscrapper too!
Hi Race. These are pretty!
Fantastic photos of really gorgeous pink flowers!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment.
Pink is the very essence of girlhood, just so pretty.
lovely pinkies
I enlarged both of your photos, and I really love the feathery bits at the centres of the flowers in the first photo!!!
Your pink blooms are lovely.
Wonderful flowers!
Hope you have a nice week!
Thanks for posting for TODAY'S FLOWERS!
You are so young and you like pink. Pink is a lovely color and your flowers are nice. My moom is 95 years old and do you know what....she LOVES pink too.
Very sweet and delicate :)
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