Ideas for Different Kinds of Guitars
Love for music runs in our blood and I remember my granny’s stories of our grand folks known for playing musical instruments especially alpha. Granny would sweetly remember how she was always fascinated by the serenade and how my Grandpa would sing and play the instrument as well. Those were the days when women would view and hear the serenade from their suitors. Such lovely decade of romance and love.
These days you will not be able to see and hear serenade, let alone a guy who will play beautiful song and sing it to you. With the influx of modern gadgets some people became lazy with hearing natural accompanied music. They don’t realize that hearing fresh music from musical instruments is still the best. Since we’re attending a born-again Christian fellowship we were exposed to various musical instruments we used for praise and worship.
Because of this my kids developed the love not just for music but of playing musical instruments as well. I was really happy that they’re very excited about it especially that our church music ministry is grooming them to be the next generation of musicians in the church. They’re playing basic piano and lyre already but they admitted that playing beautiful song through guitar is one such dream of them because they love the sound of fresh music. They prefer acoustic guitar because of its natural sound not being amplified by electronics.

Since my sister promised to buy the guitar for them this Christmas I’m just saving my money for those nice little accessories like colored pick holders I saw in the site and guitar books also so they’ll have fun learning guitar. I’m also saving some cash for hiring professional guitar tutor who will teach them basic guitar lessons. This is only a start and who knows they will learn it quickly and in few month’s time I will hear samples of their beautiful fresh music.
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