Saturday, January 12, 2013

His Motor Riding Collection

My friend is so obsessed with motor riding that whatever he saves from his salary he gets himself collection of valuable motorcycle accessories and some other gadgets or apparel for riders. He’s not so much into buying things for himself except for his riding hobby and it seems worth it because when you look at his collection in his house you’ll be amazed at his patience in saving for his coveted items. He’s really deeply engrossed in his riding collection that sometimes he forgets about other things like his office clothes and other things that do not involve motor riding.

Now he’s into competition and fox racing so he’s looking for the best quality helmets, apparels, jackets, boots and other accessories. He didn’t want to use his collection so he’s buying another set for the competition. I’ve suggested some online sites for him for easy shopping and hope he’ll be patient enough to search and choose what he needs for the competition.


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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