Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Plans on Spending Kids' School Vacation Time

Summer vacation has started for the kids since the school officially ends the school year. My little boy often calls me in the office not just to say he misses me but to ask also what can he do with his free hours. My kid is thinking of home activities that he can spend his time. When he's tired from watching his favorite cable shows he plays online games but those are not enough for his morning and afternoon time. We told him to eat and sleep a lot so he can grow quickly but it's not enough either. 

Now it's part of my problem too and I'm now planning a writing workshop for them all so they can practice doing something of a journal of their experiences in their school. I will buy them a journal notebook or a large notepad for their daily journal which I will check upon reaching home. That way I can help them improve their writing skills and fill up their spare time. 

I heard my friend have the same idea but since her kids are already in college she suggested to start a small business for this summer. She's thinking of online printing business just like workflow printing but on small scale level only so her daughters and sons will not just earn but enjoy as well. Parents wouldn't want to spoil their children's vacation but just creative enough to teach them how to spend vacation wisely. Of course family vacation, swimming and picnics would always be first priority.


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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