Schooling Plans for Josh
Josh is reaching his last months in primary school and will graduate before the school vacation. Time flies so fast and realizing this I can’t help but look back at my youngest kid’s first day in big school when he started his first grade. He was so young and the school staff mistakenly categorized him as a kinder student. He’s a bit smaller than kids his age and looks so cute and bubbly. I was working at home then and I had my full attention on him. I’m a super Mom (as my friends tagged me) and gave all my support and time to my 3 kids even if I work online for about 16-20 hours a day.
I enrolled Josh in school special activities like art school, music class and their ECA which you can choose whether you want violin, guitar, drums or keyboards. We have chosen keyboards which is very important to me and we planned to take violin the next year as we can always buy Used violins when the time comes. It didn’t materialized as Josh continued another year of playing keyboards but I told him that he can continue studying musical instruments if we decided to choose his present school for his secondary course. Well we’re still searching and looking for the best high school for him and wherever it is I know God will always guide him in his studies and music hobbies.
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