Thursday, February 15, 2018

4 Things Young Couples Should Do Before Moving In Together

Photo of Kerby's Furniture - Mesa, AZ, United States

Photo of Kerby's Furniture - Mesa, AZ, United States

Every young couple dreams of the day that they can finally live with the person that they love. While it can be very exciting, there is a big list of important things to do before moving day arrives. Having everything planned and prepared will keep lines of communication clear and open during the chaotic, yet exciting, moving process.

Finding Reliable Internet Service Providers

In some locations, reliable internet service providers are hard to come across, especially in rural areas. For areas with a higher population density, there might actually be competition between providers. Check with multiple companies to get quotes, average installation waits, installation fees, and other important information. For many families, internet is a necessity; this is especially true for those who work from home frequently.

Assessing Average Work Commutes

While moving across a city might not seem like a big deal, it can have a very big impact on work commutes. What might have been a 5 minute commute to work could potentially become a half hour's commute or longer. If the commute seems to be unbearable for one or both partners, there may be a bit of compromising that needs to be done. One or both individuals could transfer to a branch near the new home, closer potential properties could be viewed, or the affected individual could work at home on some days rather than at the office.

Finding Furniture for the Home

Few things are as uncomfortable as having to sit or sleep on the floor in a new home. Instead, arrange for furniture to be delivered before moving in. Living room furniture in Mesa is very important for hosting guests during the house warming phase, and for unwinding after work. A more laborious option is to thrift shop for furniture and store it in a storage unit until moving day comes; then, move it again into the new home.

Setting Ground Rules and Emergency Planning

Individuals come from many different backgrounds, with many being raised with different sets of values, rules, or emergency planning procedures. Common household chores and rules should be discussed before committing to a new home together. For example, if one individual is particularly clumsy, the other might prefer a no food rule in any room but the kitchen to prevent messes and pests. Emergency planning, such as what to do during an earthquake or fire, is vital as well. One another should be accounted for, and both should know what few belongings in the home should be evacuated on a last minute basis.

Moving in together requires a lot of preparation. For the young couple with stars in their eyes, every step of this process is an exciting step towards living their lives together.


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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