Monday, March 24, 2008

First Day Fellowship

We arrived at the site 6am in the morning with 3 groups of our brethren already there, one group hasn't arrived yet and I learned that they had trouble with their brakes. We arranged all of our things in the room and had our breakfast immediately to prepare ourselves for the first day of our fellowship. I was assigned as the first teacher of the day so I studied my lessons and activities for the children. The kids and I were having an interaction with one of my biblical story when the last group arrived, tiredness was well written on their faces. After an hour or two I closed my lessons and catched up the fellowship in the upper room where we held our service.

I was lucky to catch Pastor's preaching but we're not complete yet so the air just breezed through us freely breathing through our ears. It was always good hearing deep inspirational messages from our dear Pastor but the preaching was almost at the end. We planned a different set of menu this time avoiding meaty recipes because cooking meat took up plenty of time just to get it tender. This time we planned spaghetti for breakfast, monggo and fish for lunch and chopsuey for dinner, for our last afternoon before we go home we will just have lomi for late afternoon snack which can be good enough also for a light dinner before travelling. For the children we have jumbo hotdogs in each meal. Rice was served all throughout the day, we've prepared one sack for us all.

Afternoon service was fully packed as all brethren were there already. I had the time to listen to all exhorters and preachers because I've already finished my camp school teaching, will miss the kids though. I always liked to be scheduled first makes me feel better if I finished first. The master of ceremony carefully planned the time slot for ministers because we'll have to start our service for communion and feetwashing right after the speaker.


About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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