Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Science Teacher Passed Away

Got a call from my sister yesterday and she informed me that my grade school favorite teacher passed away already. She got the news firsthand as her grade school best friend was a close relative of the family. My teacher was known to be as Mrs. Guirnalda to students and teachers, and Mareng Enyang to my Mom and me as she picked me to be the godmother of her eldest daughter Madonna when I was in the fifth grade, actually my second sponsorship then.

Know why she had chosen me? Actually I’m not certain, all I know was she was my mentor when I was picked to represent our school in Science Quiz Bee. As science was her major subject and my favorite subject too I became very fond of her and sort of looked up to her as a good and patient teacher. That competition was never won but it gave me an experience and advancement on my science subjects until my college days because since then I was hooked up to science.

Since she chose me to be Madonna’s godmother they became close to us especially her daughter Mado who at times sleep on our house when she was younger. Every time I go to school and see her we always make kumustahan, she would ask about my mom her former co-teacher. One day she was diagnosed having a cancer and since then she has been fighting for her recovery with full support from her family. This was news that made my Mom cry but I told her we can’t do something about it but to include her always in our prayers.

The last time I saw her was on Mado’s wedding and I was happy to see her as beautiful as ever, my favorite teacher who remains elegantly beautiful despite what she had gone through. The woman who bravely fight against cancer was there enjoying the happy wedding moments of her daughter. It was a very beautiful day.

With her passing away all that remains are the beautiful memories of a great mother and a kind teacher. I know all of her students would be sad with this news but we shouldn’t be sad as finally she will be resting her tired body now.

Photo was taken during the wedding last Sept. 8, 2008


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Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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