Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prayer For My Friend

I was excited as usual when I saw Christine's name on my inbox message and was ready to read and absorb her usual enlightening text message. I suddenly froze and cold started to envelope my body as I began reading her text about her laboratory examination. At first I thought it was a prayer request for one of her friend but it dawned on me in the end that indeed it was for her. She has undergone laboratory test to rule out some rare disease that doctors suspected her of having. I've chosen to keep it to myself as I'm not sure if she wants to keep it secret and confidential for awhile.

Tin and I met each other in Design Science last February of 1993, my first day. She's employed 2 months back and was glued to her as she's also a born-again christian. We speak the same language, the computer and faith language and that's what makes us stick together. She's a nice, cheerful and very sweet person not so vain with her looks even if she's the prettiest girl in the office. My memory retains everything that we've been through in our work and personal life. From being together on overnight that at times gave us a Goosebumps, we were all alone on our first overnight together doing technical proposal when blackout strikes the whole area and we're helpless and unprepared. We spent the night with no lights on, with just the two of us on the silent basement but you know what we did? We opened our bible and had some sharing and that erased our fear.

She left the office for a better opportunity as programmer in a builders' company and later settled in Duty Free as Systems Analyst. We didn't burned our bridges as she always calls me for everything that happens in her life and that made us closer even without seeing each other. She's there when I married my husband but after awhile I somehow lost track of her, no mobile phones at that time I mean none for the average person. Only those in higher position can afford those very expensive cell phones. But I was happy that God didn't allowed that to happen to us as two years after that I saw her in a market where me and Myrns usually come. It was a great day for us and since then we never lost track and been a text and real-life friends. Hope this coming laboratory results will be proven negative. May God heal her body and give her spiritual strength to bear all the worries and pain of this.


cathy July 23, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

my prayers for you and tin...

About Me

Work-At-Home Mom who quit years of corporate life to take care three kids full time. Fond of cooking, reading books and determined to master housekeeping. Created this blog to share about career, job, human resource, hobbies, sports and travel

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