Back To Work Next Week
I'm so glad that my Mom is getting stronger and her eye is fast recovering from her eye surgery. I just felt a little sad that my vacation leave is nearing its end, actually I have to go back to my office work on Monday. Having a one-month vacation staying with my kids and Mom gave me a relief from the pressures of work and though household activities is really more than I can handle it's not that stressful, know what I mean?
That's the advantage of Stay-at-home Moms the pressure on home is not that heavy as in the pressure of working in an 8-5 office and having more than one boss, not to mention the skills, capabilities and clever mind set that you have to give everyday of your working week. Wish I could start my part-time work that my boss offered to me and wish also that they will find someone to replace me, someone that will not quit as fast as the one we hired last month.
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