Investment Plans
I’ve been searching for some nice sites for post ideas on my new blog when I was asked by my cousin for a suggestion on where to put his hard-earned money from his 20-year old office employment. He’s been very loyal with the company but suddenly he feels like he’s old enough to rest, relax and enjoy his life. He learned last year that I resigned and retire early in corporate office and was thinking of doing it himself since he’s older than me. He actually asked me what I will do after my resignation and was amazed that I can work online in the comfort of my home. Well we talked about his investment plans and told him about what United States Gold Bureau offers as a form of investment to their clients. He studied it and planned on talking it with his wife.
I actually don’t know anything about the company except that it offers one of the most stable kinds as investment. They provide bullion, gold coin and other similar products for their clients to buy, invest and store in safe deposit to banks. Gold has a high percentage of bringing high returns of capital and proven to appreciate value in years. It’s a good investment according to old folks but I told my cousin to think of his investment carefully before plunging into it.
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